Bidding on Loads 101

July 20th, 2016 by

This guide will walk you through everything Carriers + Owner Operators need to know when bidding on a load.

The first place to start is to look for a load near you. You can do this by clicking ‘Find A Load’ at the top of your dashboard:




Search By Zip + Mile Radius

This should take you to a master list of all the loads posted on SHIPMYNT. From there you can enter the zip code for the area you are in (or plan to be in) and select a mile radius to search within. Depending on whether you are looking to line up pickup locations or drop off locations, you can select to filter to show only one or the other:




Pro Tip: Planning to be in multiple cities within the next week? You can enter more than one zip code to search multiple locations at once, just make sure to add a comma between each one!

Get Questions Answered

Once you see a load that you are interested in, be sure to check out all the details before placing your quote. If you have any questions, you can easily chat with the shipper or broker to get them answered:



Place Quote

The next step is to place a quote on that load. Click “Place Quote” and then fill out the following info:




Quote Amount: Enter the price that you are willing to haul the load for. Shippers and Brokers enter their ideal price, but you have the opportunity to bid lower or higher than that amount.


Pickup Date: Enter the date you can pick up the load. This may differ from the shipper’s requested date depending on your schedule.


Drop Off Date: Enter the date you can drop off the load. This may differ from the shipper’s requested dated depending on your schedule.


Truck Type: Select the type of truck that you plan to use for this load. Some posted loads require certain types of trucks and this ensures that the load will be shipped in the type of truck the shipper desires.


Details: Outline any details that would be important when considering your quote. For example, if your pickup or drop off dates are different than the requested dates from the shipper, it may help to explain why in this section.


Terms & Conditions: If you have specific terms & conditions, or any disclaimers about your quote, add those in this area.


Expiration Hours: If you quote is only good for the next few hours, you can set a time expiration. If you set a time expiration, shippers will have up until that time to accept your quote. If you do not want to set an expiration, you can leave this field blank.

What’s Next?

After submitting your quote, the waiting begins. There are several things you can do during this time to make sure your quote gets the consideration it deserves:

  1. Message the Shipper or Broker (if you haven’t already) to introduce yourself
  2. Search for additional loads to bid on
  3. Update the zip code where you plan to be
  4. Set up your notifications to receive an email if a new load is posted in an area you frequent

Updating Your Zip Code & Setting Up Notifications

From your dashboard, you can update where you plan to be by entering the zip code in the field:




From your Settings, you can set up zip code notifications, so that if any new loads are posted within a certain mile radius of a zip code, you will receive an email. This is great if you have certain areas that you frequent, or if you know you will be in an area soon and need to find a load to haul from that area.





By following these tips and tricks, you will soon be bidding on loads like a pro.


Happy hauling!

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